‘Halo Infinite’ puts Master Chief back in the fight

As expected, Microsoft opened its E3 presentation by unveiling the next chapter in the Halo franchise: Halo Infinite. The teaser trailer didn’t show much beyond a pretty wildlife trailer with only a brief glimpse of the Master Chief, but it’s been three years since Halo 5 came out.

The trailer is miserly with details. Aside from the MC and a handful of marines, there’s not much to glean, although it looks like players will return to a bona-fide Halo installation, which could be the one powering up at the end of Halo 5’s ending cinematic. The game will run on Microsoft’s new Slipstream Engine, but the game is so early in development that the company isn’t even announcing a release year. You’ll have to wait a bit longer, Halo fans.

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