In Just 11 Years, Social Security’s Trust Funds Could Be Out Of Money. The Reason May Surprise Retirees.

What happens to retirement benefits then? Social Security is undeniably one of our government’s most essential functions. The roughly $1.4 trillion in benefits the Social Security Administration (SSA) pays out each year is a lifeline to millions of retired Americans, making up a significant part of post-retirement income for most. For others, it’s nearly all they have. […]

Social Security has now officially announced – 3 new changes confirmed for October

Three significant changes have been announced recently, according to the Social Security Administration, which will have an impact on hundreds of low-income Americans, the disabled, and children who are eligible for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. It is imperative to comprehend the implications of these modifications on beneficiaries’ monthly payments in the upcoming months since millions […]

Double SSI payments in November after the 2025 COLA announcement – Will the checks come with increases?

The Social Security Administration makes monthly payments to retirees, survivors, disabled people, and SSI beneficiaries. Nonetheless, some Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients this year will receive double SSI payments next month. The first SSI payment will arrive on the first day of the month as it is usually scheduled, and the second payment will arrive on November […]

Social Security Implements Changes To SSI Program

Several updates to Supplemental Security Income are taking effect, impacting how benefits are calculated, alleviating reporting burdens and likely expanding the number of people who qualify for the program. The Social Security Administration said it is implementing changes this week to policies related to its rental subsidy, the definition of a public assistance household and […]