Retirement Savings Better Than Ever

America’s collective readiness for retirement is improving, according to Fidelity’s latest Retirement Savings Assessment study. The study distills America’s retirement readiness into a single score representing the percentage of estimated retirement income that the average saver will require. According to the current study, America’s combined retirement score is 80 – meaning that the average American […]

65% of Americans Aren’t Saving Enough

How much of your money are you saving? If you’re like most Americans, the answer is probably not enough. Putting aside money for your future is essential, but as many as 65% of Americans are saving too little of their incomes, according to a new survey from Bankrate. Saving money is undeniably difficult, especially if […]

Understanding The Tax Benefits Of A Mortgage

As the tax filing deadline looms, many Americans continue to prepare and file their annual income taxes. The 86 million taxpayers who own their homes and have a mortgage, can take advantage of different tax deductions, including deducting their mortgage interest and the insurance premiums of any private mortgage insurance. The IRS allows taxpayers to […]