Maybe you received a very nice monetary gift for your birthday and you just don’t know what to do with the money. We are glad you are being careful about its use, and would suggest the following points for your new funds. Prioritize your long- and short-term goals. Goals should be realistic and specific. Your […]
Category: Finance
How To Deduct Your Car
When you use your car for both personal and business reasons and you are not fully reimbursed through your employer for the business expenses, you can deduct those costs from your taxes. How do you go about claiming these deductions? Assuming that you itemize, you have two general paths: Standard Mileage Method – The IRS […]
If you have a good credit score, take advantage of these 3 perks
When you have good credit and seem trustworthy to financial institutions, it can pay off in perks. Many creditors use the FICO or VantageScore scoring systems, which combine financial data collected from major credit bureaus Equifax, Experian and TransUnion to determine your score. Each system ranges from a low of 300 to a high, or […]
Travel tips to save this Easter
Many South Africans are taking to the roads – or even the air – as they make the most of school holidays and vacation time during Easter. These breaks however, often put a strain on the budget, even when families choose to have a “staycation”. Taryn Schmidt, Head of Marketing and Communications at short term […]
7 Smart Ways to Spend a $1,000 Tax Refund
You could be coming into some money soon. According to the Internal Revenue Service, in 2017, 111 million Americans received tax refunds, with the average amount being $2,895. Of course, you may not be due anything. The IRS anticipates approximately 41 million Americans won’t receive refunds this year. But let’s say you get a refund. […]
3 Top Retiree Tax-Planning Mistakes
You’ve submitted tax forms for many years. How difficult can it be to submit them in retirement? It isn’t difficult – as long as you take into account basic changes that occur in retirement and the corresponding tax challenges. Fortunately, you can learn from those who have retired before you. We are happy to pass […]
Grow Your Freelance Business: Budgeting for Success
Budgeting doesn’t have to be a dirty word Budgeting isn’t the most glamorous topic to talk about, and it isn’t an ideal way to spend a Friday night. It is, however, one of the most helpful things you’ll do with your finances, especially if you’re wanting to become a full-time freelancer. Think about it: the […]
9 Tips for Remodeling Your Kitchen on a Budget
The average kitchen remodel costs around $20,000-$50,000. But we have some tips to help you get more bang for your buck and create a beautiful kitchen on a budget! 1. Hire a professional. Sounds like a waste of money, right? Wrong. Hiring a professional designer will save you time and money in the long run. […]
Five risks to check before you travel this Easter
You’re focused on packing suitcases, checking the car and making sure your pets are cared for, so insurance is probably the last thing on your mind. Apart from checking up on your short-term cover, you need to make sure that your long-term insurance is up to date. Financial adviser at Liberty, Phillip Kassel, says: “It’s […]
You can live longer if you retire early, research shows—here’s why
Retiring early can actually lengthen your life, economists from the University of Amsterdam affirmed in a 2017 study published in the journal of Health and Economics. Male Dutch civil servants over the age of 54 who retired early were an astounding 42 percent less likely to die over the subsequent five years compared to those […]
It is possible to have a ‘perfect’ credit score if you prioritize these 4 things
A credit score is an important measure of your financial health. The better your score, the more likely you are to get a good deal on a home or a car, or to be able to rent an apartment — and maybe even get a date. While most Americans have average credit, it is possible […]
How to Set Money Goals With Your Spouse
This is what individual experts have to say generally about an issue that affects each person differently—if you want personalized advice you should see a financial planner. Reframe the Conversation First, it’s so crucial that you recognize that you and your spouse grew up with different money mindsets. It can be easy to fight with […]