One piece of financial advice that you have probably heard over and over again is the need for an emergency savings fund. The thinking goes that everyone should have three to six months’ worth of living expenses set aside in the event of a sudden job loss or to cover a large unexpected expense, like […]
Category: Finance
7 English-speaking and picture-perfect spots for retirement
Don’t put the kibosh on your dreams of a beachside retirement in an exotic locale. Retiring to a foreign country doesn’t have to require learning a new language. Expat resource Live and Invest Overseas identified islands that offer a taste of adventure, and are friendly to English-speaking visitors and residents. Whether you’re looking to relocate, […]
Choose your motor wisely to stop depreciation from eroding your car’s value
DEPRECIATION is the enemy of the new car buyer, as it erodes the value of your purchase the moment you drive it off the forecourt. A new car instantly loses around 20 per cent of its value and will continue to lose another 15 to 20 per cent every year after that. Within five years, […]
How to fix your mortgage rate before borrowing costs rise and it’s too late
MORTGAGE borrowers have grown accustomed to rockbottom mortgages, but those days are now coming to an end as rates finally start to pick up. This could come as a shock to homeowners who are already stretching to meet their monthly repayments, while higher borrowing costs could also dent house prices, which have remained resilient despite […]
Your valuables could be worth THOUSANDS: Protect them with a home insurance
THE average household now owns possessions totalling an incredible £35,000, but millions fail to insure their valuables. This is more than the average UK full-time annual salary and adds up to £1trillion across the nation. Despite this more than one in four households, or 7.5million in total, have no home contents insurance. This type of […]
5 tips for consumers to prepare for #Budget2018
Regardless of the outcome of Budget 2018, there is a way consumers can better prepare for it, says an expert. Priya Naicker, advice manager at Old Mutual explained the finance minister could plug the revenue shortfall of R50.8bn by raising personal income tax. But this is already limited by high unemployment rates and low business […]
5 gas mileage myths that are wasting your money
When gas prices spike, drivers love to swap gas-saving tips. The crazier the tip, the faster it seems to spread. The problem is, some such “tips” are more urban legend than fact. Others might have been true back in the day, but improved automotive technology has erased any real benefit. Keep in mind that, over […]
15 budgeting tips for building an emergency fund
An emergency fund is an important asset that you will hopefully never have to use. What some perceive as a frivolous expense is really a key part of planning for the future. Any number of unwelcome occurrences could prompt withdrawal from an emergency account — from medical bills to a broken refrigerator. For anyone other […]
8 autumn energy saving tips that’ll help your bills fall
In the next couple of weeks, leaves will start changing colour and the temperature will begin to get cooler. And although ‘tis the season for robes and fuzzy slippers, it also means that our household energy bills will likely see a spike as Aussies switch from air con to heaters. In fact, according to Origin […]
Tips to manage finances in college and after graduation
Students today are navigating the challenges of increased cost of living, rent prices and tuition. The average student in Georgia will graduate with $27,675 of debt, according to a study done by The Institute for College Access and Success. “Unfortunately, several long-term trends, including the explosion of student debt, make it increasingly difficult for millennials […]
6 Important money tips for graduates
Whether you are entering the work environment for the first time, starting a permanent job after an internship or running your own business, take control of your finances right now. Many graduates can benefit by adopting good money management principles early in their careers to ensure a stable and stress free financial future. Article regards […]
How To Use Life Insurance To Pay Your Student Loans
What it is: A IUL is a cash growth vehicle: you use after tax money to pay policy premiums and the policy proceeds are tax-free. A IUL is different from other life insurance policies in the fact that part of your monthly premium is invested in a financial index that may give you a larger […]