Insurance against recession

In the face of tough economic times and political uncertainty in the country, you shouldn’t panic, but, on the other hand, you need to look at ways of protecting your income and your lifestyle. There are insurance products specifically designed to do this. Liberty’s group executive of sales, distribution and bancassurance, Johan Minnie, says that […]

6 Tips For Managing Money In A Relationship

“Money is a very emotional topic – it’s a subject that people tend to completely avoid discussing when they get together,” says Anjula Mutanda, a relationship psychologist and Relate ambassador. “We tend to make assumptions about who pays for what without sitting down and saying anything about it. But couples need to have a chat […]

How to budget for travel in retirement

When we think of retirement, we often imagine ourselves exploring the globe and taking advantage of the seemingly limitless amount of free time we suddenly have on our hands. In some regards, retirement is the ideal period of life for travel, since work-related constraints go out the window. On the other hand, because most seniors […]