If you’ve ever made a student loan payment or carried a credit card balance into a new month, you already know how interest rates work. In those cases, it’s the percentage tacked onto your principal debt, or the price you pay later for borrowing money now. These rates are intertwined with every aspect of our […]
Category: Finance
Investments: Is big also beautiful for fund investors?
TOP FUND managers look after vast sums on behalf of ordinary investors, which means that millions are entrusting them with their future prosperity. The five most popular actively managed funds now hold an incredible £80 billion among them, but size is no guarantee of success. You should check the performance of all your funds regularly, […]
3 ways debt settlement may not be the fix you expect
Paying less than you owe to creditors sounds like a good deal. But debt settlement isn’t what it seems. If you’re considering working with a debt settlement company — which negotiates with your creditors to accept less than what you owe — look beyond the marketing pitches. These programs have inconsistent results and can be […]
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance: How to check the financial health of a continuing care retirement community
Community care retirement communities promise to see retirees through independent living to skilled nursing care — usually for a hefty upfront fee. Before turning over a chunk of your nest egg to a community, check out its financial stability and services first. Begin by digging deeper into the quality of its health care. Use the […]
Ditch the plastic loyalty cards and start saving money with these personal finance apps
People often say that one of the reasons why they don’t save money is because they find it difficult to keep track of what they’re spending. Fortunately, there are lots of money apps out there that can help with this. We round up the best, which are all available on iOS and Android. Stocard This […]
Running low on money? Our tips on how to give yourself a cash boost
January can be a tough month for our finances. Not only is a long stretch between being paid before Christmas to your next pay date in January, but there’s also that post-Christmas squeeze many of us feel at this time of year. Top this off with it being deadline day on January 31 to complete […]
How to break up with money
MELISSA Browne is an accountant and financial adviser, but that doesn’t mean she was brilliant with her own money. In fact, she learned the hard way how to sort out her own finances. She’s sharing her experience and tips in a new book Unf*ck your Finances, published by Allen & Unwin on 24 January. Below […]
Most States Don’t Require Specific Financial Literacy Classes
Most states take a scattershot approach to teaching personal finance concepts to high school students, a newly released financial literacy report card finds, with just a handful of exceptions. The 2017 Financial Report Card from Champlain College’s Center for Financial Literacy gave just five states — Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia — an A […]
PERSONAL FINANCE: How to start a new business
Many people are asking how to start a business. It’s not that they don’t know what product/service they want to offer; they just don’t know how to move it forward. They are stuck. Well, the only way to start a business is to just start. Here are a few tips to help you along. There’s […]
10 things you should know about credit ratings
CAPE TOWN -Just what are credit rating agencies? Credit rating is a process of assessing and scoring the creditworthiness of would-be borrowers, on a standardised basis, to help lenders to decide who to lend to and on what terms. Logically, if you were told that one borrower has a good credit score and another one has, […]
Stick to proven investment principles
Last year was a year of mixed fortunes for investors, and as such it offered a number of sound investment lessons. 1. Say no to the narrative, not the opportunity It’s easy to get caught up in market narratives. When news flow is good and sentiment positive, investors tend to buy popular securities at any […]
Americans are clueless when it comes to personal finance
Many Americans are sorely lacking in knowledge when it comes to basic financial terms, according to new research. A recent study of 1,000 Americans over the age of 30 found less than half of participants could confidently explain what a 401(k) is. The research examining people’s grasp of financial terminology found many struggled to define […]