Having good personal finance doesn’t mean you have to make a lot of money. One of the most common complaint is that people feel they cannot save money because they do not earn enough. Though many families are living pay check to pay check, there are some small and big changes you can make to […]
Category: Finance
Retirement saving tips for late starters
Despite countless television ads touting the virtues of retirement planning, it seems many people are not getting the message. According to a survey from GOBBankingRates.com, one-third of Americans have nothing saved for retirement. Financial advisors recommend men and women begin saving for retirement as early as possible. The longer people delay opening a retirement account, […]
5 bad money habits of constant broke people
People who are constantly broke tend to portray some kind of bad money habit. These bad money habits are actually the major reasons why some people are constantly broke. How you spend and manage your money every day has a huge significance on how you can build your finance successfully. Here are bad money habits […]
10 money mistakes that will cost you dearly
You might think it takes a lot of luck to achieve financial security and a comfortable lifestyle, but luck is only an opportunity, not an end in itself. Even lottery winners quite often end up broke within a few years. In most circumstances, the state of your finances is the total of your attitude to […]
Make 2018 your year of financial freedom
Are you ready to face up to your financial responsibilities at the beginning of a new year? You probably haven’t given it much thought, but it is likely, if you’re the average South African consumer, that you found 2017 hard going on your finances. Not only did the past year see living costs rise, but […]
Smoothed investment cuts out costly guarantee
Traditionally, smoothed investments have been the domain of the major life assurance companies. But now innovative kid on the block Sygnia has launched one. Smoothed-bonus funds, as they are widely known, are suitable for investors with a low appetite for market volatility and who want to preserve their capital, perhaps because they are nearing retirement. […]
13 questions to ask when buying a business
If you are faced with the opportunity to buy an already established business, there are many things that you need to consider, and questions that need asking, before you sign on the dotted line. This is the view of Mary-Anne Greisdorfer, an associate director in the audit division of BDO Cape Town, who says that, […]
3 Stocks You Can Keep Forever
Let’s get this out of the way up front: Forever is a very long time. It seems almost flippant to use such a time frame when talking about the vagaries of the stock market. Truth be told, no one can truly tell how a company will be doing in one year’s time, let alone five […]
A dummy’s guide to bond investments
It’s very likely that you are indirectly invested in government and corporate bonds, one of the four mainstream asset classes for investors (the others are listed shares, listed property and cash). Retirement funds and endowment policies will certainly have bonds in their portfolios, as will almost any unit trusts that are not purely equity-based. So […]
As new year’s resolutions are still at a high, people are still striving to lose weight, have a more positive attitude, and, of course, save money. Saving money isn’t an easy task for anyone, as we all spend money every day. Saving money and living on a budget is something all college students away from home have […]
Feeding your family nutritious meals on a small budget
Nearly 47-million Americans rely on the federal food assistance program. But a new study found it does not cover half of what healthy diet costs. Stephanie Thomas wanted to make healthy meals for her family, but it was not easy on a tight budget. “I had to get the cheaper brand, the less expensive brand, […]
2 No-Brainer Stocks to Buy in Tech
For investors in search of reliable, steady growth and maybe a bit of income, these two stocks look like slam dunks. Though they play in different sandboxes, Adobe and Microsoft aren’t strangers. The two tech leaders announced a strategic partnership about a year-and-a-half ago, and have since expanded the relationship. Microsoft and its Azure cloud […]