Retirement saving tips for late starters

Despite countless television ads touting the virtues of retirement planning, it seems many people are not getting the message. According to a survey from, one-third of Americans have nothing saved for retirement. Financial advisors recommend men and women begin saving for retirement as early as possible. The longer people delay opening a retirement account, […]

Smoothed investment cuts out costly guarantee

Traditionally, smoothed investments have been the domain of the major life assurance companies. But now innovative kid on the block Sygnia has launched one. Smoothed-bonus funds, as they are widely known, are suitable for investors with a low appetite for market volatility and who want to preserve their capital, perhaps because they are nearing retirement. […]

3 Stocks You Can Keep Forever

Let’s get this out of the way up front: Forever is a very long time. It seems almost flippant to use such a time frame when talking about the vagaries of the stock market. Truth be told, no one can truly tell how a company will be doing in one year’s time, let alone five […]

A dummy’s guide to bond investments

It’s very likely that you are indirectly invested in government and corporate bonds, one of the four mainstream asset classes for investors (the others are listed shares, listed property and cash). Retirement funds and endowment policies will certainly have bonds in their portfolios, as will almost any unit trusts that are not purely equity-based. So […]

2 No-Brainer Stocks to Buy in Tech

For investors in search of reliable, steady growth and maybe a bit of income, these two stocks look like slam dunks. Though they play in different sandboxes, Adobe and Microsoft aren’t strangers. The two tech leaders announced a strategic partnership about a year-and-a-half ago, and have since expanded the relationship. Microsoft and its Azure cloud […]