Novel solar cell process advances green hydrogen production

Another advance has been made by experts in nano-scale chemistry to propel further development of sustainable and efficient generation of hydrogen from water using solar power. In a new international collaborative study—led by Flinders University with collaborators in South Australia, the US and Germany—experts have identified a novel solar cell process to potentially use in […]

Windows kernel bug now exploited in attacks to gain SYSTEM privileges

CISA has warned U.S. federal agencies to secure their systems against ongoing attacks targeting a high-severity Windows kernel vulnerability. Tracked as CVE-2024-35250, this security flaw is due to an untrusted pointer dereference weakness that allows local attackers to gain SYSTEM privileges in low-complexity attacks that don’t require user interaction. While Microsoft didn’t share more details […]

SAM Assures Li-Ion Battery Safety, Performance

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery manufacturers must detect various physical flaws during production to ensure safe, reliable performance. Failure to detect even minute defects could lead to internal short circuits, overheating, fire, explosion, diminished function, costly product recalls and serious reputation damage. Li-ion batteries can produce gas under stress and a process called gas evolution can lead […]

Novel green solvent could help scale up fabrication of perovskite-based tandem solar cells

In recent years, engineers have been trying to develop alternative photovoltaic (PV) technologies that could be more affordable and scalable than silicon-based solar cells, while also exhibiting good power-conversion efficiencies and retaining these efficiencies over time. These emerging PVs include perovskite-based tandem solar cells, which are made up of two layers (i.e., sub-cells) with complementary […]

OORT launches blockchain-driven DataHub for ethical AI development

The OORT Foundation announced the commercial launch of its OORT DataHub, a decentralized platform designed to improve data collection and labeling for artificial intelligence. The platform, which goes live on Dec. 11, aims to address longstanding challenges in AI development, including data transparency and integrity. OORT DataHub promises to reduce costs and enhance security for businesses and researchers […]